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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Update oDesk XHTML 1.0 Test Answer

1.A defines the document type of any XHTML document. It can be of three types:
1.     Strict, Transitional, and Frameset
2.     Strict, Transitional and Loose
3.     Fixed, Intermediate and Loose
4.     Fixed, Intermediate, Frameset
2.What do you understand by cellspacing?
1.     It makes the cell span more than one column
2.     It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell
3.     It specifies the space between two cells
4.     It makes the cell span more than one ro
3.What do you understand by cellpadding?
1.     It makes the cell span more than one column
2.     It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell
3.     It specifies the space between two cells
4.     It makes the cell span more than one row
4.A developer wrote this image tag: <img src ="states.gif" width ="330" height ="406" alt="States" usemap ="#statemap" /> What code should follow this?
1.     <map id="statemap" name="statemap"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm" alt="State1" /> </map>
2.     <map id="statemap" name="statemap"></map> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm" alt="State1" />
3.     <map id="statemap" name="statemap"> <imgarea shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm" alt="State1" /></map>
4.     <map id="statemap" name="statemap"></map> <imgarea shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm" alt="State1" />
5.How will you import a style sheet named "basic.css" in your web page?
1.     <import name="stylesheet" url="basic.css">
2.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="basic.css"/>
3.     <style name="stylesheet" url="basic.css">
4.     <link item="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="basic.css">
6.How will you specify a comment in an XHTML document?
1.     <!!-- Here is a comment... --!>
2.     <-- Here is a comment.. -->
3.     <!-- Here is a comment.. -->
4.     <! Here is a comment... --!>
7.How will you specify the language attribute in XHTML?
1.<div lang="en" xml:lang="en">Listing A</div>
2.<div language="en">Listing A</div>
3.<div language="en" xhtml:lang="en">Listing A</div>
4.<div xml:language="en">Listing A</div>
8.On one of your web pages named "Listing.xhtml" you specified a target like this: <a name="target4">Old Listing</a> How will you make a link to the above target?
1.     <a url="#target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
2.     <a href="#target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
3.     <link url="target4">Check Old Listing as well</link>
4.     <a href="Listing.target4">Check Old Listing as well</a>
9.Please choose the most appropriate option. One of the differences between XHTML and HTML 4.01 is that the "name" attribute has been replaced by the "id" attribute in:
1.     img and applet tag
2.     simg and map tags
3.     map and frame tags
4.     img, map, frame and applet tags
5.     frame, applet, style and map tags
10.The following registration form was coded by a programmer in XHTML:
1. <!-- Start of the Form Fields -->
2. Name:
3. <input type="text" name="name" maxlength="50" />
4. Registration Date:
5. <input readonly type="text" value="javascript:getDate();" />
6. Account Type:
7. <select name="Account">
8. <option "selected" value="Primary">Primary</option>
9. <option value="Secondary">Secondary</option>
10. </select>
Which of the following options is true with regard to this XHTML document?
1.     The syntax of the input tag at line 3 is incorrect
2.     The readonly attribute in line 5 is not correctly coded
3.     The syntax of the select tag is not correct
4.     Maxlength cannot be specified with text boxes
11.What do you understand by the following line of code?
<html xmlns="">
1.     xmlns specifies the URL to qualify the names used in the XHTML document
2.     xmlns means html-xml number sequence
3.     Elimination of xmlns tag will result in the document not being validated by a validator
4.     The page will not be displayed properly if the URL is changed to ""
12.What is the numeric entity representation of the 'less than' sign (its entity name is '<') ?
1.     60;#
2.     < 
3.     &60#;
4.     #60&;
13.Which attribute specifies the submit URL in a form?
1.     method
2.     action
3.     name
4.     id
14.Which attributes of the <table> tag is deprecated in HTML 4.01 and not supported in strict DTD XHTML?
1.     align
2.     bgcolor
3.     cellspacing
15.Which of the following statements is correct for the <blockquote> tag?
1.     The text under blockquote must be enclosed in a block level element in a strict DTD document
2.     The attribute named "cite" must be specified
3.     Closing the tag is optional
4.     It doesn't place an empty line after the text
16.Which of the following is correct about the <!DOCTYPE ...> tag?
1.     It is not considered to be mandatory as per the XHTML specification
2.     It must have a closing tag
3.     It should come just after the <html> tag
4.     Its declaration is not a part of the XHTML document itself
5.     None of the above
17.Which of the following is correct for an image?
1.     An image must be resized in an editor to fit in the specified space on a webpage
2.     If you have a big image but specify smaller height and width attributes in the <img> tag, only the top left portion of the image will be displayed in the browser
3.     Both a and b are correct
4.     The height and width attributes allow resizing the image on the webpage
18.Which of the following is correct regarding the frame attribute of the table tag?
1.     It is used to add a frame to the table
2.     A "hsides" frame attribute will show the border lines for horizontal sides of the table only
3.     A "hsides" frame attribute will not show the border lines for horizontal sides of the table only
4.     A "hsides" frame attribute will add a scrollable frame on the horizontal sides of the table
19.Which of the following is incorrect about the relation between HTML and XHTML?
1.     XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML
2.     XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01
3.     XHTML and HTML both are used to generate dynamic content
4.     XHTML brings together the elements of HTML and the syntax of XML
20.Which of the following is incorrect with regard to the <select> tag?
1.     The "name" should be specified
2.     The "disabled" attribute disables the drop-down list
3.     The "multiple" attribute allows the user to choose multiple options
4.     The text specified in the "value" is displayed in the drop-down list
5.     None of the above

Update Freelancer PHP Test Question and Answer

Question No 01 - 50

1) Which function returns (and caches) the owner ID number?

2) Which of the following is the correct way to implement a do-while loop?
$j=0; do { print "$j"; } while ($j > 0);

3)Which statement will skip the rest of the current loop iteration and continue execution at the beginning of next iteration.

4) Which of the following is correct to show a message for an exception?
throw new Exception ("Invalid data");

5) What term refers to the ability to shorten Extra_Long_Names improving readability of source code?

6) Which operator performs the same function as x=x%y?

7)The control error operator is:

8)Which of the following is the not equal operator?

9) What are the levels of visibility possible for a variable or method?
Public, Private and Protected

10) Which Perl Compatible Regex function takes a regex pattern as first argument, a string to match against as second argument, and an optional array variable for returned matches?

11) Which Perl Compatible Regex function inserts escape characters into strings that are intended for use as regex patterns.

12)Which of the following shifts the bits of $a $b steps to the left?
$a << $b

13) What PHP function returns the arctangent in radians of a numerical argument?
14) Which function is used to start tracking a user?
15) What statement will delete session files?
16) How are sessions tracked on PHP With code rewriting using the PHP Session reference variable
17) Which function changes server parameters and status at runtime?
18) Which function forces a write of all buffered output to the resource pointed to by the file handle?
19) Single-line comments in PHP use the following:
20) The ability of a class to protect access to its internal member variables is called:
21) You can use what function in order to check if a constant is set?
22) Which of these will perform integer rather than floating point division?
23) ______________ is a mechanism for storing data in the remote browser and thus tracking or identifying return users.
24) Using the Zip Archive Class, which of the following will include a file to a ZIP archive from a given path?
25) Which of the following is an example of predefined cURL constant?
26) Which of the following refers to a set of functions that allows you have access to multiple supported databases without writing your own wrapper functions?
27) Which of the following is the correct syntax to retrieve an object from the memcache module?
 $result = $memcache->get('key');
28) _____________ attempts to establish an FTP connection to a remote server by emulating an FTP client.
FTP ftp_connect()

29) Which of the following will open the file "time.txt" as readable?

30) Which character must be set in the $mode argument for fopen($file, $mode) to open a file for reading and writing?

31) Which of the following is the correct way to implement a "for" control structure?
for($i=0; $i<10; $i++){ // do something }

32) Which of the following is the only keyword that can be written before the namespace at the top of the file?
33) What is the correct way to access the property of a PHP object?
34) Select the convention sign used to indicate private variables and functions:
_ for $_name

35) Arrays can be sorted with which of the following functions?
arsort(), ksort() and uksort();

36) Private members are accessible to:
The class itself and the classes that inherit from it

37) Which function returns the square root of its argument, with number of decimal places set by the optional scale factor?

38) What 2 types of parsers are used in PHP?
39) What does MIME stand for?
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

40) Which configuration directive defines a comma separated list of server urls to use for session storage?

41) Which function gets permissions for the given file?

42) Which function checks whether a file or directory exists?

43) PHP constants:
All of these

Do not have a dollar sign ($) before them.
May be defined and accessed anywhere without regard to variable scoping rules
May not be redefined or undefined once they have been set.
May only evaluate to scalar values.

44) Which PHP operator type allows evaluation and manipulation of specific bits within an integer?
Bitwise operators

45) At compile time static values are bound with
a name

46) Which Perl Compatible Regex character will cause any special character to be treated as a simple matching character?

47) Session files should not be stored on a directory viewable from the Web server because:
Malicious users may access other users' login details

48) Which API reads in an XML file and creates a "walkable" object tree in memory, so it can be used in large documents?

49) What APIs are used for handling XML documents?
Document Object Model (DOM) and Simple API for XML (SAX)

50) ________________ tests for the end of file on a file pointer.